From the above statement, it is clear that consumers are also becoming one of the obstacles in developing batik business. Consumers who can not be reached will lead to losses for batik entrepreneurs who are producing a product. Moving on from here, let‟s think about how entrepreneurs can make or produce a batik products which are likeable, particulary affordable in price and quality, so that what has been done so far is not in vain. Packing as the final process in purchasing or sale must also be considered. Packaging is not made of paper or plastic, but from water hyacinth. This is not necessarily to make it look different from others, and so forth, but in order to save the budget. One thing to remember is that consumers consider to buy batik because of its uniqueness. Manpower as human resources greatly influence the success of an industry, therefore it needs to be well-maintained. They make one company succeed to meet market demands. Unfortunately, what‟s happening now is that these workers get only little attention, for example in their health, and especially in terms of wages. The mindset of business owners who only think of doing mass production to meet market demand amid fears of hiking price for raw materials , making them fail to take care of their labors. This urgently needs to fix, or it may lead to something harmful. This may also be a reason for them to choose to work outside the city that is believed can provide higher wages and give more attention as they expected.