This enclosures specification covers manufacturing testing, and supply of meter enclosures for single-phase and three-phase direct connected meters, as well as three-phase transformer-operated meters
The meter enclosure shall be made of insulating material intended to contain meters to be installed on walls or similar flat surface structures and include a miniature circuit breaker(MCB), the meter enclosure shall be weather proof and ultraviolet resistant(to within type test limits, at a minimum)
The meter enclosures shall be supplied with the MCB and the MCB will be mounted inside the meter enclosure in such a way as to permit access to the MCB lever without opening the meter enclosure cove
The meter enclosure shall be compatible with the supplied smart meter case dimensions for the required installation configurations.
The meter enclosures shall be needed in multiple sizes, including single meter set(1X1), double meter set (2X1), Group meter set(4X1), group meter set(8X1), group meter set(16X1). Actual quantities will be determined following a detailed site survey and design.
Service condition
The meter enclosures to be supplied according to this specification shall be suitable for satisfactory continuous operation under the following environmental conditions.