operation planning and costs of production processes based onprocess parameters such as spindle speeds, feeds, depth of cut, toolwear.Today’s paradigm shift towards environmentally consciousproduction started with initial pioneering research in processplanning, as early as 1995 by Sheng and Srinivasan [6]. This workhas had some sporadic further developments over the last 15 yearsbut the growing cost of energy combined with today’s sustainabledrivers towards energy efficiency provide new opportunities forresearchers and industry to develop new energy modellingsoftware to support energy efficient manufacturing resourcesthroughout their life cycle. This paper aims to explore thesechallenges and provide a framework as the basis for futuredevelopments in using current generation of resources moreeffectively in terms of energy usage.The paper is structured in 7 major sections. Following thisintroduction, a review of related literature in the area of energyconsumption in machining is presented. A brief history ofcomputer aided process planning, in general, and multi-criteriaprocess planning, in particular, is provided which progresses toidentify the environmentally conscious and green process planning and manufacture. A theoretical framework for energy efficientmanufacturing is then provided, supported by a series ofmachining experiments on energy consumption in CNC machining.Finally the paper concludes with a discussion of the major aspectsof the research and identifies avenues for further work.