This form of evidence can demonstrate that the assessment requires test takers to engage in specific cognitive skills or behavior that are necessary to complete a task. To obtain response process evidence, we need to ask whether the items or tasks on a test are appropriate to elicit or capture the knowledge or skill we seek to assess. For example, to qualify for a driver’s license, passing a written test is far from sufficient. One should pass a performance test that requires each candidate to demonstrate his or her skills while driving. For some professions, performance tests or simulation tests play an important role, since performance skills (e.g., giving an injection, operating a surgery) are inadequately assessed with a test containing multiple-choice items. When performance is being evaluated, raters’ judgments of the candidate’s performance may exert some influence on the assessment outcomes, potentially attenuating measurement reliability, which in turn, impacts the strength of evidence intended to support validity.
This form of evidence can demonstrate that the assessment requires test takers to engage in specific cognitive skills or behavior that are necessary to complete a task. To obtain response process evidence, we need to ask whether the items or tasks on a test are appropriate to elicit or capture the knowledge or skill we seek to assess. For example, to qualify for a driver’s license, passing a written test is far from sufficient. One should pass a performance test that requires each candidate to demonstrate his or her skills while driving. For some professions, performance tests or simulation tests play an important role, since performance skills (e.g., giving an injection, operating a surgery) are inadequately assessed with a test containing multiple-choice items. When performance is being evaluated, raters’ judgments of the candidate’s performance may exert some influence on the assessment outcomes, potentially attenuating measurement reliability, which in turn, impacts the strength of evidence intended to support validity.