A wireless mouse recharge system comprising a recharge body, a transparent roller, an indicating light, and a recharger, wherein: said recharge body is found inside the mouse, includes a rechargeable battery, and is connected to a receptacle found at the outer edge of the shell; light from said indicating light is visible through the transparent roller at the front section of the mouse and indicates different statuses of the recharge body; and said recharger is equipped with a plug for insertion into the receptacle, a power connecting wire, and a transformer plug for insertion into the power supply, said recharger being arranged to supply power from the power source to the recharge body, and therefore to the battery, wherein the indicating light provides an indication of low battery conditions and whether the recharger is charging the battery, including the following status indications: battery low--not charging--unlighted; battery charged--not charging--regular lighting when in use; battery low--charging--regular lighting; battery charged--charging--regular lighting or high lighting when in use, wherein the statuses "not lighted when in use", "regular lighting", and "high lighting" notify the user of remaining power for a next use; and wherein the mouse can thus be pre-charged or recharged while in use without interruptions in order to change batteries.