Four-point bending tests were performed using a 2,200 kN test
frame. Loading was applied by an MTS-244.41 hydraulic actuator
and an Enerpac-RRH10011 hydraulic jack with capacities of 500
and 1,000 kN, respectively. The Enerpac had to be used because
the capacity of the MTS actuator was limited to 500 kN. The load was measured by two MTS-661.23A-02 load cells with a capacity
of 500 kN each and the deflection was measured by a DUNCAN
600 series transducer with a range of675 mm. Monotonic load-
ing was performed under actuator displacement control with a
rate of 0.025 mm/s. A total of three unloadings were carried out
during each test: before steel yielded, after steel yielded, and at
500 kN load level ~switching from the actuator to the jack !. The
load, midspan deflection, and strains at different points were re-
corded with a Daytronic System 10 data acquisition system inter-
facing with a PC through Microsoft Excel software.