Make a wish and blow out the candles on your birthday cake. If you blow them all out with one big breath, your wish will come true. But remember, the older you are, the more candles you have to blow out!
Candles are often used at parties and at other special times. They give soft light at dinner parties. They are also used at sad times after people die.
Years ago candles were burned to give light to homes. People making their homes in caves probably learned that animal fat could be coated on sticks and burned. Later just the fat was burned in holders to light up rooms. Next, people used long pieces of fat with a thin strip of cloth running through the center of each one, much like today’s candles.
These old candles were made in different ways. Sometimes the strip of cloth or string was dipped over and over again into melted fat until the candle was the right size. At other times the fat was poured over the string while the string was turned with the fingers. At still other times the fat was poured into a form, or mold (模型) and the string was often pushed into the fat before it cooled.
Today most candles are made in molds by machines. Many are colored. Some give off pleasant smells as they burn. This is why some people like to use candles.