Figure 7. (a) High resolution transmission electron microscope (TEM) image of epitaxial SrTiO 3 on silicon grown by molecular beam epitaxy. (Image courtesy of Xiaoqing Pan of the University of Michigan and Darrell Schlom at Cornell University.) SrRuO 3 can then be epitaxially grown on top of the SrTiO 3 by off-axis sputtering to serve as the templating layer for the piezoelectrics, as well as a bottom electrode. (b) Bright-field cross-sectional TEM image of an epitaxial PbMg 1/3 Nb 2/3 O 3 –PbTiO 3 (PMN-PT)/SrRuO 3 /SrTiO 3 thin-fi lm heterostructure on an Si substrate. The inset shows the selective area electron diffraction pattern of the PMN-PT layer along the [100] zone axis showing a single crystal. (c) High-resolution TEM image of PMN-PT and SrRuO 3 interface. (b) and (c) are adapted from Reference 65.