Came to the pits must not be missed is the pit where the streets, and teachers take advantage of the introductory college class with our in-depth visit this pit Street. Pit Street's best-known is the tofu, has a special aroma, taste very attract people to go, there is a special snacks tofu ice cream is made with tofu, taste dense, people eat hard to forget, Street no only to eat, there are a lot of fun, there are many toy store, there are a variety of interesting toys, whether adult or child, to see those toys will be stopped, to explore those strange toys. Walking in the streets, to have a feeling of relaxation, leisurely environment can forget their troubles, whether it is the best choice with family or friends, the streets are gathering. Very happy to be and teachers, students come here, so that students and between students but also to promote feelings, I hope we can have the opportunity to visit these interesting places together.