Step Name | Description | Expected
| Step 1 | Make an outgoing call to Partner1 from MUT dialpad in portrait. | The dial UI should be right. The end call button is not fill parent width. There are interspace in both side.
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| Step 2 | Partner1 Answer the call. | The end call in at the bottom of the screen with the right size.
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| Step 3 | Open the dialpad. | The UI changes correctly and the end call button show the right size.
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| Step 4 | Click the dialpad icon again | The UI changes correctly and the end call button show the right size.
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| Step 5 | Make an outgoing call by MUT to Partner2 and Partner2 answers. | Check the end call button is the right size in portrait mode.
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| Step 6 | Press the conference call button in MUT calling pane. | Conference call is created successully between MUT and referrence Partner1,2 Check the end call button is the right size.
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| Step 7 | End conference call. | Call can be ended successfully.
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