To develop the technique to perform the elastic drag move away from a defender.
Everyone has their own ball and they practice performing the elastic drag move in a large space (you can use the penalty area). The players should practice with both feet. The correct technical execution is very important.
The players need to be aware of each other to avoid collisions and should also be aware of the space to move into (as if away from a defender).
Use a small area (adjust the size of the area depending on the age/level of the players). In a small space, the emphasis is on the control of the ball after making the drag move.
1. The players perform the movement on the command (or whistle) of the coach.
2. Have some players with the ball and some without. The'defenders'approach the attackers who must then use the drag move to protect the ball and get away from them and into space.
3. Make it a competition to see how many successful drag moves the players can make in 30 seconds.