1.4 METHODOLOGY FOLLOWED IN THE PROJECTA comparison between the results obtained based on existing material and the results obtained from the ANSYS. Work bench has been carried out. In conventional approach conception ideas are converted into sketches or engineering drawing. With the help of this drawings the prototypes i.e. product which looks same as that of final product are made. It is launched in the market after testing of prototype which gives acceptable results. The thing is, product is launched after doing many practical testing and many trial and error procedures which consumes more time and cost too. In CAE approach some steps are same as that of conventional method. Here also ideas, concepts are converted into engineering drawing, but it is then modelled on computer Geometric model of product is made using solid work software like CAD which enables better visualization of simple as well as complex models. These models then further used for computerized analysis by using different CAE tools (FEA/CFD software’s) depending upon the application before the prototype is been made to check whether the components are going to work according to its intended function. After that once appropriate results are obtained the final practical testing is carried out.