Major Life Experience. The words of two of thefinishers gave us the sense that completing this race was amajor life experience. For example, despite the problemshe encountered, Richard did indeed (as he told us at theLeg 4/5 transition) “gut it out to the end.” When we spoketo him just after the finish, he said:Seriously, I’m really really happy that I stuck withit. And it was really hard there and now I’m hereand it’s done, so I taught myself a lesson I guess,just gotta stick with it and tough it out until you’redone. That’s what it comes down to.Here, Richard teaching himself a lesson appeared tobe important. Ted clearly emphasized the sense of accomplishmenthe experienced. At the finish line, he said:I’m glad it’s over. That was tough. That was one ofthe hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. Just the,you know to be on your feet and going, going, goingand then to finish at the last moment, well with a fewminutes left to spare. Makes you wonder, “Did I taketoo long at my transition area?” You know, maybeI shouldn’t have changed my socks the last time.[Interviewer: “What was going through your headas you crossed the finish line?”]. I did it.