As discussed earlier, SAP Leonardo is a design-led approach to innovation. Through the use of next-gen technologies, such as Big Data, Machine Learning and IoT, you can foster digital transformation by optimizing and digitizing your business processes, maximizing your data for increased revenue and growth opportunities, and building leading-edge innovations thatdeliver rich, new user experiences.With SAP Leonardo, you can quickly create a connected world where, for example, machinesprovide automatic alerts when they need maintenance or replenishment; fleets are routedbased on real-time traffic updates; cities predict their own needs for water, power, and wastemanagement; and retailers can maximize margins and revenue, in real time.SAP Leonardo builds on SAP’s digital transformation framework, seamlessly connects withthe overall SAP landscape, and supports an open-source and multi-cloud infrastructure – allwith the goal of enabling faster innovation with less risk.However, SAP Leonardo isn't just about technology – it's about business, and the real poweris when these technologies all work seamlessly together to solve a business problem. THAT isthe power of Leonardo.