We think it's going to be convenient to go anywhere in the world. Don't waste time studying a foreign language. Knowledge is easy and comfortable. Don't be afraid to say the wrong thing. The same language around the world is probably useful in Communicate with <br>Trade, Politics, Tourism <br>Education, news awareness, media viewing <br>There may be some downsides to the interpreter. <br>Language teachers, guides will lose their jobs.<br>Personally, we think the culture of different nations is gradually disappearing. Language and culture come together.<br>The language we use in our culture is that everyone uses the same language. Culture doesn't have a succession, which we don't think is a good thing.<br>If people can communicate with each other using<br>Same language The differences in each language are caused by culture, environment, history.<br>Different <br>Communication Section Nowadays, there are pictures, emojis, and universal symbols.<br>No need to modify. Environment The advantage is that it will allow people to develop their own potential for greater communication. With different objectives according to your preferences, education. Working in all the way. Nowadays, if you have multiple languages, they will have the advantage of doing various tasks.