2012 Stock Option Plan - During 2012, the Board of Directors adopted a Stock Option Plan ("2012 Plan"). Under the terms and conditions of the 2012 Plan, the Board is empowered to grant stock options to employees and officers of the Company. The total number of shares of common stock available under the 2012 Plan may not exceed 3,000,000. At September 30, 2012, 2,038,667 options were available to be granted under the 2012 Plan. During the nine months ended September 30, 2012, the Company granted 961,333 options.
2010 Stock Option Plan - During 2010, the Board of Directors adopted a Stock Option Plan ("2010 Plan"). Under the terms and conditions of the 2010 Plan, the Board is empowered to grant stock options to employees and officers of the Company. The total number of shares of common stock available under the 2010 Plan may not exceed 166,667. At September 30, 2012, no options were available to be granted under the 2010 Plan. During the nine months ended September 30, 2012, the Company granted 165,555 options.
2009 Stock Option Plan - During 2009, the Board of Directors adopted a Stock Option Plan ("2009 Plan"). Under the terms and conditions of the 2009 Plan, the Board is empowered to grant stock options to employees and officers of the Company. The total number of shares of common stock available under the 2009 Plan may not exceed 166,667. At September 30, 2012, no options were available to be granted under the 2009 Plan. During the nine months ended September 30, 2012, the Company granted 61,969 options.
2008 Stock Option Plan - During 2008, the Board of Directors adopted a Stock Option Plan ("2008 Plan"). Under the terms and conditions of the 2008 Plan, the Board is empowered to grant stock options to employees and officers of the Company. The total number of shares of common stock available under the 2008 Plan may not exceed 16,667. At September 30, 2012, 28 options were available to be granted under the 2008 Plan. During the nine months ended September 30, 2012, the Company granted 292 options.
2008 Key Employee Stock Option Plan - During 2008, the Board of Directors adopted a Key Employee Stock Option Plan ("2008 Key Employee Plan"). Under the terms and conditions of the 2008 Key Employee Plan, the Board is empowered to grant stock options to employees and officers of the Company. The total number of shares of common stock available under the 2008 Key Employee Plan may not exceed 33,334. At September 30, 2012, 260 options were available to be granted under the 2008 Key Employee Plan. During the nine months ended September 30, 2012, the Company granted 959 options.
2007 Stock Option Plan - During 2007, the Board of Directors adopted a Stock Option Plan ("2007 Plan"). Under the terms and conditions of the 2007 Plan, the Board is empowered to grant stock options to employees and officers of the Company. The total number of shares of common stock available under the 2007 Plan may not exceed 16,667. At September 30, 2012, 12 options were available to be granted under the 2007 Plan. During the nine months ended September 30, 2012, the Company granted 3,584 options.
2007 Key Employee Stock Option Plan - During 2007, the Board of Directors adopted a 2007 Key Employee Stock Option Plan ("2007 Key Employee Plan"). Under the terms and conditions of the 2007 Key Employee Plan, the Board is empowered to grant stock options to employees and officers of the Company. The total number of shares of common stock available under the 2007 Key Employee Plan may not exceed 16,667. At September 30, 2012, no options were available to be granted under the 2007 Key Employee Plan. During the nine months ended September 30, 2012, the Company granted 16,667 options.
2006 Key Employee Stock Option Plan - During 2006, the Board of Directors adopted a 2006 Key Employee Stock Option Plan ("2006 Key Employee Plan"). Under the terms and conditions of the 2006 Key Employee Plan, the Board is empowered to grant stock options to employees and officers of the Company. The total number of shares of common stock available under the 2006 Key Employee Plan may not exceed 11,459. At September 30, 2012, no options were available to be granted under the 2006 Key Employee Plan. During the nine months ended September 30, 2012, the Company granted 11,459 options.
The fair value of option grants during the nine months ended September 30, 2011 was determined using the Black-Scholes option valuation model. No options were granted during the period ended September 30, 2012.The significant weighted average assumptions relating to the valuation of the Company’s Stock Options for the nine months ended September 30, 2011 were as follows:
注 11 — — 股票期权和认股权证
2012 股票期权计划-2012 年期间董事会通过股票期权计划 ("2012年计划")。根据条款和条件的 2012年计划,审计委员会有权向员工和公司管理人员授予股票期权。普通股 2012年计划下可用的总数不得超过 3,000,000。在 9 月 30日日2012 年,2,038,667 选项都可用 2012年计划下批出。截止 2012 年 9 月 30 日,九个月期间公司授予 961,333 选项。
2010 股票期权计划-2010 年董事会通过股票期权计划 ("2010年计划")。根据条款和条件的 2010 年计划,董事会有权对员工和公司的人员授予股票期权。普通股可用下 2010 年计划的总数不得超过 166,667。在 2012 年 9 月 30 日,没有选项是可用的 2010年计划下批出。截止 2012 年 9 月 30 日,九个月期间公司授予 165,555 选项。
2009 股票期权计划-2009 年期间董事会通过了股票期权计划 ("2009年计划")。下的条款和条件的 2009 年计划,审计委员会有权对员工和公司的人员授予股票期权。普通股 2009 年计划下可用的总数不得超过 166,667。在 2012 年 9 月 30 日,没有选项是可用在 2009 年计划下批出。截止 2012 年 9 月 30 日,九个月期间公司授予 61,969 选项。
2008 股票期权计划-2008 年期间董事会通过股票期权计划 ("2008年计划")。下的条款和条件的 2008 年计划,审计委员会有权对员工和公司的人员授予股票期权。普通股可用下 2008 年计划的总数不得超过 16,667。在 2012 年 9 月 30 日,28 选项是可用在 2008 年计划下批出。截止 2012 年 9 月 30 日,九个月期间公司授予 292 选项。
2008 关键雇员股票期权计划-2008 年期间董事会通过的关键员工股票期权计划 ("2008年关键雇员计划")。根据条款和条件的 2008年的关键员工计划,董事会有权对员工和公司的人员授予股票期权。普通股 2008年关键雇员计划下可用的总数不得超过 33,334。在 2012 年 9 月 30 日,260 选项是可用在 2008年的关键雇员计划下批出。截止 2012 年 9 月 30 日,九个月期间公司授予 959 选项。
FAB 通用公司及子公司
注 11 — — 股票期权和认股权证 (续)
2007 股票期权计划-2007 年期间董事会通过股票期权计划 ("2007年计划")。下的条款和条件的 2007 年计划,审计委员会有权对员工和公司的人员授予股票期权。普通股可用下 2007 年计划的总数不得超过 16,667。在 2012 年 9 月 30 日,12 选项是可用来根据 2007 年计划批予。截止 2012 年 9 月 30 日,九个月期间公司授予 3,584 选项。
2007 年关键雇员股票期权计划-2007 年期间董事会通过 2007 年的关键员工股票期权计划 ("2007年关键雇员计划")。条款和条件的 2007 年关键雇员计划下董事会有权对员工和公司的人员授予股票期权。普通股可根据 2007 年关键雇员计划的总数不得超过 16,667。在 2012 年 9 月 30 日,没有选项是可用来根据 2007 年关键雇员计划批予。截止 2012 年 9 月 30 日,九个月期间公司授予 16,667 选项。
2006 年重点员工股票期权计划-2006 年期间,通过董事会了 2006 年的关键员工股票期权计划 ("2006年关键雇员计划")。根据条款和条件的 2006 年关键员工计划,董事会有权对员工和公司的人员授予股票期权。普通股在 2006 年的关键雇员计划下可用的总数不得超过 11,459。在 2012 年 9 月 30 日,没有选项是可用来根据 2006 年的关键雇员计划批予。截止 2012 年 9 月 30 日,九个月期间公司授予 11,459 选项。
的 9 个月期权授予公平价值,截至 9 月 30 日2011 是使用布莱克-斯科尔斯期权估值模型确定的。没有选项授予期间结束了 9 月 30 日,与有关的公司的股票期权的估值为截至 2011 年 9 月 30 日的 9 个月了,如下所示的研究重大加权平均假设: