the next order of cars will happen soon. Before it we would like to list you some small changes that should be applied, which will make the performance of the cars better. Here is the list: - the mat lying on the car's floor should be attached with tear-away velcro. The mats are moving too much during normal use,- the rear-view mirrors should be attached firmly,- on the other hand, the Linzda signs on the car should not be attached so firmly - we had problems with demounting them- in the four-seat care we observed the big problem - the suspension is too low. When turning, the wheels are scratching the fenders.- please, make sure that antenna cable is attached well (soldered) into module with screen,- there is a huge need of thermal insulation of car's floor or installing the airflow on feet. In Poland during winter the climate is very cold and the feet are freezing during driving. Please, remember also about previous list of damages.