Song country has a farmer, every day in the field work.One day, the farmer was working in the field, and suddenly a hare came out of the bushes. The hare was frightened by the sight of someone. It ran, but a bump into the farmer root of a section paddock, broke his neck died. He put down the farm, went to pick up dead rabbits, he was very thankful for their good luck.At home in the evening, the farmer turned the dead rabbit to his wife. The wife made savoury meat hare, the couple laughing and talking a delicious meal.On the second day, the farmer went to the field to work, but he was not so absorbed in the past. He worked for a while the bushes to look, listen and hope to have a rabbit out of nowhere crashed on the stump. So, he is absent-minded to dry one day, the land also didn't finish hoe hoe. Until dark did not see a rabbit came out, he was very unwilling to go home.The third day, the farmer came to the edge, has been completely without hoeing. He put the tools on the side, is sitting on the stump, waiting for a hare ran out. But I waited for another day.Later, the farmer every so keep the stump, hoping to get a rabbit, but he has never been. But the seedlings in the field had withered because of him. The farmer therefore became a joke in Song Dynasty discussion.