• A unique batch manufacturing record (BMR) should be generated for each batch or lot manufactured
• The batch number to be printed on the bottom of the device, clearomiser, atomiser and packaging will need to be recorded on the BMR
• A BMR should contain; the unique batch number or job number for the work order, the date the activity is completed on, the total final production quantity and the identity of the product and/or any related code
• The BMR should include a bill of materials (BOM) listing all of the components required for the product. The BOM should describe each component by name and code number reference, the quantity required and the requirement for overage (if necessary)
• The BMR should be completed to record the suppliers lot for each component used
• The BMR should list all steps in the assembly and testing operation in a sequential order related to the order of assembly. Any steps requiring specialist personal protective equipment (PPE), caution or specialist activity should be highlighted
• Provision should be made within the BMR to record any critical measurements or recordings and confirmation of the completion of each step or stage in the process
• The BMR should include reconciliation of the components or sub-assemblies issued to line and used in the process, discarded as reject or removed for testing (if not returned to line)
• Re-work activities should be performed in accordance with written procedures included with the batch record. Reconciliation of re-work assemblies should be included within the respective BMR
• Critical assembly or measurement equipment should be listed on the BMR and the use of this equipment referenced on the BMR to permit traceability
• A final reconciliation of total finished product produced should be included against agreed acceptance criteria and any discrepancy suitably investigated and recorded
• All deviations from the documented process should be recorded, separately and cross referenced on the relevant BMR
• A unique batch manufacturing record (BMR) should be generated for each batch or lot manufactured• The batch number to be printed on the bottom of the device, clearomiser, atomiser and packaging will need to be recorded on the BMR• A BMR should contain; the unique batch number or job number for the work order, the date the activity is completed on, the total final production quantity and the identity of the product and/or any related code• The BMR should include a bill of materials (BOM) listing all of the components required for the product. The BOM should describe each component by name and code number reference, the quantity required and the requirement for overage (if necessary)• The BMR should be completed to record the suppliers lot for each component used• The BMR should list all steps in the assembly and testing operation in a sequential order related to the order of assembly. Any steps requiring specialist personal protective equipment (PPE), caution or specialist activity should be highlighted• Provision should be made within the BMR to record any critical measurements or recordings and confirmation of the completion of each step or stage in the process• The BMR should include reconciliation of the components or sub-assemblies issued to line and used in the process, discarded as reject or removed for testing (if not returned to line)• Re-work activities should be performed in accordance with written procedures included with the batch record. Reconciliation of re-work assemblies should be included within the respective BMR• Critical assembly or measurement equipment should be listed on the BMR and the use of this equipment referenced on the BMR to permit traceability• A final reconciliation of total finished product produced should be included against agreed acceptance criteria and any discrepancy suitably investigated and recorded• All deviations from the documented process should be recorded, separately and cross referenced on the relevant BMR