The server lifecycle of a data center may vary. Knowing yours can ease the upgrade
decision and benefit the business in the long term.
The server lifecycle of a data center may vary, and understanding the right
reasons to upgrade can help you figure out when to put aging servers out to
Businesses rely on servers that provide the computing power for critical applications,
allow users and customers to interact, produce work, and generate
valued revenue. As with most business assets, servers have a limited working
life and need to be replaced periodically. Eventually, every server comes off
lease or reaches end-of-life; new features and capabilities are constantly appearing,
promoting the acquisition of new servers. Yet, technologies like virtualization
are extending the working life of modern servers. As a consequence,
the actual point where a new server is justified has become a bit murky. Let’s
cover the top five reasons to consider a server upgrade.
THE SERVER LIFECYCLE: IS IT TIME FOR THAT AGINGSERVER TO GO?The server lifecycle of a data center may vary. Knowing yours can ease the upgradedecision and benefit the business in the long term.The server lifecycle of a data center may vary, and understanding the rightreasons to upgrade can help you figure out when to put aging servers out topasture.Businesses rely on servers that provide the computing power for critical applications,allow users and customers to interact, produce work, and generatevalued revenue. As with most business assets, servers have a limited workinglife and need to be replaced periodically. Eventually, every server comes offlease or reaches end-of-life; new features and capabilities are constantly appearing,promoting the acquisition of new servers. Yet, technologies like virtualizationare extending the working life of modern servers. As a consequence,the actual point where a new server is justified has become a bit murky. Let’scover the top five reasons to consider a server upgrade.