Remark: The product(s) has been verified on a voluntary basis. The product(s) satisfies the requirements ofthe Certification Mark of ECM, in reference to the above listed Standard(s). The above Compliance Markcan be affixed on the product(s) accordingly to the ECM regulation about its release and its use. Theregulation can be found at This Certificate of Compliance can be checked for validityat www.entecerma.itThis verification doesn’t imply assessment of the production of the product(s).Additional information, clarification about the Marking:We attest that a TCF for the Marking process is in place. Whereas theManufacturer is Responsible to start the Marking Certification Procedure throughan appointed Notified Body and the perform all the necessary activities, as requiredby the Directive and accepted by the Notified Body, before placing the Mark onthe product(s).