2. Experimental
The compounds were purchased from Fluka Chemie AG in Switzerland (Sigma-Aldrich Fine Chemicals): lithium borohydride (LiBH) no. 62460 (pract.;≥95% gas-volumetric). The samples were handled solely in the argon glove box. The LiBH-powder was transferred into the Mark-tubes with an inner diameter of 1 ㎜ in the argon glove box and sealed on top with putty and later on the tubes where closed by melting the glass in a gas flame. The structure at room temperature was investigated by means of synchrotron radiation at the Swiss Light Source (SLS) with a high resolution powder diffractometer (Debye-Scherrer geometry). The photon energy was set to 8.15 eV ( 1.52 ).
The desorption experiments were carried out in a stainless steel cylinder. Approximately 200-300 mg of LiBH was used for each desorption experiment. The desorbed gas was measured by means of a mass flow controller (Brooks instruments, 5850E, maximum flow 5 standard cm*min), with a maximum full scale error of 1%.