* five in the morning to get up early with the Lord
* morning face Xu, vice president, why always ask him to review whether closed, she blame me hard, I wrote to say that email caused Xiaoping, thank God messages through Zongda line remind me: "be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; because people worketh not the righteousness of God" [James 1: 19-20]
Lord God will help me, so I will not be disgraced. I set my face like a flint, and I know I shall not be ashamed. (Isaiah 50 verse 7)
a person can not restrain himself, but he can not be bound to see his mouth (words).
Xu afternoon with Deputy relationship more moderate
* talking about noon with Shao Hong customized reports
* Send completed in August costs, bad checks SZMA
* Deputy PM promises relations with more moderate, leave smoothly
* trust in the Holy Spirit, he did not admit approach, gentle tone with Jinhua apologize, and soon two good
* see a doctor back in the car at the stop near the original, God provided parking
# plea
1. night Jinhua angry easily (due to bad breath and feel Jinhua limit my eating cold watermelon)
2. Deputy Xu face surly temper, provoked anger in my heart