The essence of the conceptual design is getting the innovative projects or ideas to promise the products with best performance. It has been proved that the theory of inventive problem solution (TRIZ) is a systematic methodology for innovation. The design of a passively compliant robotic joint as an engineering example is illuminated in this paper to show the significance and approaches of applying TRIZ into getting the creative conceptual design ideas. In the robotic joints with passively compliance, the joints are composed of mechanical components such as springs and dampers as internal elements, which absorb the excessive collision force. Passive compliant joints with springs and dampers ensure a smooth contact with the surroundings, especially if robots are in contact with humans, but the passive compliant joints cannot determine precisely the position of the members of the joint or direction of the collision force. The main aim of this work is to show a systematic methodology for innovation as an effective procedure to enhance the capability of developing innovative passive compliant robotic joint and to overcome the main design problems. The TRIZ method will be utilized in order to eliminate the technical contradictions which appear in the passively compliant robotic joint.