This is a brief overview of the upcoming conference. Just a rough draft and please ask Norman to double check it before sending to Seattle. Appreciate bro.
In the early development of design, ergonomics formed its fundamental scientific backbone together with systematic design methodology. Ergonomics embodies multi-disciplinary perspectives to understand the human actions (work) in relation with artifacts as objects of usage and its environments. As technology advances and its impact on individual life, society, culture and organization become more extensive and invasive, design’s role to bridge human needs with technology has dramatically increased and evolved. Other disciplines such as HCI, cognitive science, anthropology, social science, information technology and business found critical crossover with design where new research and practice can be co-developed.
Is design research investment reflecting such fundamental changes of design’s position, role and environments in its philosophy, structure and contents? This conference overviews not only the evolution of the conceptual foundation and domain knowledge of design and examines the recent development in boundary areas of design but also the space as well as chances of benefit according to our data measuring. Morgan Stanley believes capital can work to benefit all of society and based on the current position of design and its surrounding disciplines, the future trajectory of design investment will be discussed and deliberately decided.
Marco Zhang
Morgan Stanley New York Deputy Executive