The ideal customer (also known as the target market) is the foundation of your marketing plan, even if it is not the entire business plan. When making strategic decisions, you need to keep this person in mind, which is why it's important to understand their overview and include them in your plan.<br><br>To get a complete picture of your ideal customer, describe some general and specific demographic characteristics. Customer segments typically include:<br><br>The place where they live.<br>Their age range<br>Their level of education<br>Some common behavior patterns<br>How do they spend their leisure time?<br>Where do they work?<br>What technology do they use?<br>How much money do they make?<br>Where they're usually employed.<br>Their values, beliefs, or opinions<br>This information will vary depending on what you sell, but you should be specific enough to ensure that you have no doubt about who you want to contact - and, more importantly, why choose based on who the customer is? What do they value?