Abstract<br>This study aimed to valorize the waste of date palm tree of oasis system in south Tunisia into biochar and used like<br>amendment to improve physical and chemical characteristic of sandy soil in south Tunisia. Biochar obtained after<br>pyrolysis of date palm tree waste in absence of oxygen in temperature of 500 ฐC, and incorporate in sandy soil of<br>south Tunisia with different rates (5 t/ha, 10 t/ha,15 t/ha and 20 t/ha) compared with untreated soil.<br>The initial results indicate generally improvement in chemical characteristics with increase of biochar rates in soil<br>like total carbon and nitrogen concentration and other essential elements in soil. Available water in soil increase with<br>the increase of rate of biochar to attend a maximum in 20t/ha biochar, finally, production growth increase with<br>biochar amendment to have a pic in the rate of 2t/ha. The promising results show a potential for biochar to become<br>are important soil fertility amendment in Oasis farming, and at the same reducing residue waste.