All standardized factor loadings for the mea- sured variables on their latent factors were sig- nificant (parental conditional regard range .76 to .97, competence contingent self-worth range .41 to .80, perfectionistic strivings range .66 to .88, and perfectionistic concerns range .42 to .82). Furthermore, each of these latent factors demonstrated acceptable composite reliability (parental conditional re- gard .95, competence contingent self-worth .71, perfectionistic strivings .75, and perfectionistic concerns .71). The measure- ment model exhibited an acceptable fit to the data, 2 151.64 (84), p .05; 2/df 1.81; TLI .93; CFI .95; SRMR .05; RMSEA .07; 90% CI [.06, .09]. All error-free correlations be- tween latent factors were positive, statistically sig- nificant, and ranged in magnitude from moderate to large according to conventional effect size cri- teria (i.e., small .10, moderate .30, and large .50; Cohen, 1992).