In order to generate the desired empirical data, a
survey instrument was constructed itemising the factors
that were postulated to influence TDC.This was done
by generating a set of tourism specific items based, in the
first instance, on the ‘‘core resources and attractors’’,
and a set of generic business factors.As the business
factors are more developed in the competitiveness
literature than the tourism literature, greater reliance
was placed on the former in developing the specific items
in this set.
In developing the set of tourism-specific items, it was
recognised that no universal set of items exists, even
within the abundant literature on tourism destination
attractiveness or image. Kim’s (1998, p.343) summary
of previous research into destination attractiveness
indicates clearly the variety of items adopted by
researchers in the field, although some items are
common to many approaches.The tourism ‘‘attractors’’
derived directly from Crouch and Ritchie’s core
resources and attractors, and shown in Fig.1, were
equally consistent with such approaches.Hong Kong,
however, is best classified as an urban destination,
following Abe’s (1996) taxonomy.Consequently, given
In order to generate the desired empirical data, asurvey instrument was constructed itemising the factorsthat were postulated to influence TDC.This was doneby generating a set of tourism specific items based, in thefirst instance, on the ‘‘core resources and attractors’’,and a set of generic business factors.As the businessfactors are more developed in the competitivenessliterature than the tourism literature, greater reliancewas placed on the former in developing the specific itemsin this set.In developing the set of tourism-specific items, it wasrecognised that no universal set of items exists, evenwithin the abundant literature on tourism destinationattractiveness or image. Kim’s (1998, p.343) summaryof previous research into destination attractivenessindicates clearly the variety of items adopted byresearchers in the field, although some items arecommon to many approaches.The tourism ‘‘attractors’’derived directly from Crouch and Ritchie’s coreresources and attractors, and shown in Fig.1, wereequally consistent with such approaches.Hong Kong,however, is best classified as an urban destination,following Abe’s (1996) taxonomy.Consequently, given