HALLO FREUND,Ich habe noch nich meine Geld bekommen.Ich habe auch die Nachweise Ihnen gesendet,dass ich die Kindertablett zuruckgesendet habe.Ich will meine Geld zuruch haben.Diese Situation geffalt mir nicht.Sie haben die Tablett bekommen.Selva GIUSEPPE
Hello friend, I have still not received my money. I have you sent also the evidence, I have to jolt sent the child tray. I want to have my money zuruch. This situation does not geffalt me. You have to get the tray. GIUSEPPE Selva
Hi friend, I still nich my money bekommen.Ich have the evidence sent to him that I sent back in the child tray habe.Ich wants geffalt my money zuruch haben.Diese situation nicht.Sie me have the tablet bekommen.Selva GIUSEPPE
"hello, friend, i haven't my money. i also have the evidence that i sent to you, the kindertablett zuruckgesendet. i want my money zuruch. this situation geffalt me. you have the tray. selva giuseppe.