I never thought I would discover something quite soamazing by accident. I was a chemist at the AmosCosmetics factory in New Jersey, USA, trying to design anew perfume when it happened.I was trying out all the usual mix of ¯owers and things ±just like I always did ± when I decided to throw in a pieceof the fruitcake Momma had packed for my lunch. I don'tknow why I did it ± I just did.5I put it into the mix with all the other things. Beforelong, I had a little bottle of perfume made from the thingsI had mixed together. I put some on the back of my hand. Ithought it smelled nice, but there was nothing specialabout it, so I put the bottle into my handbag. I couldn'tgive something like that to my boss. After all, I am achemist and my job is to make perfumes in a proper way. IfI told him how I made this one he would tell me not to bea silly girl. Later, he would probably make a joke about itto his friends at the golf club.That's the kind of man my boss was.`Anna!'It was my boss, David Amos, the owner of AmosCosmetics. He happened to be walking past where Iworked. He never usually spoke to people like me. Whatdid he want? I felt nervous.`Yes, Mr Amos.' I said.`You're looking terri®c today! Mmm . . . what's thatlovely smell? It's like fresh bread and ¯owers and sunshineall mixed together with . . . I don't know ± is it you,Anna?'I didn't know what he was talking about. I couldn't smellanything special.Mr Amos had an expert nose for perfumes. And heknew it.`Yes, it is you!' he said loudly. All the other chemistsnearby could hear. It was embarrassing.I had never heard my boss speak to me like that before.Or to anybody else, come to think of it. David Amos is adark, handsome English guy who would never dream ofsaying nice things to ordinary looking girls like me. He6preferred to be with pretty young models who liked hisappearance and his money. When he did speak to thechemists he was usually complaining about something. Washe playing some kind of joke today?Suddenly he came over right next to me. He spoke in aquiet voice close to my ear.`You know, Anna, I've never really noticed it before ± Ican't think why ± but you really are a beautiful woman!'`Mr Amos. I . . .' I tried to answer but I didn't knowwhat to say.`No, it's true, Anna,' he said. `I must see you outside thisdull factory. Will you have dinner with me tonight?'`Well, I . . .' I was still too surprised to speak properly.`That's great! I'll pick you up at your place tonight ateight. See you then,' he said.He was gone before I could say anything.As I went home on the bus I thought of the strangesituation I was in. My boss, who was famous for going outwith beautiful women, had told me I was beautiful and hadasked me out! But I know I am just ordinary looking andnot his usual type at all. When I got home my Mommawas in the sitting room talking to my Aunt Mimi.Aunt Mimi. I like my Aunt Mimi, but she simply can'tmind her own business. She has wanted me to ®nd ahusband for ages. She didn't like the thought of me beingsingle and having a career. She thought it wasn't natural fora twenty-seven-year-old woman like me not to be married.Aunt Mimi thought that the least she could do for me wasto ®nd me a husband. I was used to this by now, but it wasstill embarrassing.`Aunt Mimi ± how nice to see you,' I said.7Aunt Mimi looked at me and smiled. `Anna, my littlegirl . . . but look at you: you're not a little girl any more,you're a twenty-three-year-old woman already! How time¯ies!'`Actually, I'm twenty-seven, Aunt Mimi,' I said. Shealways got my age wrong.`So soon? And you're not married yet? Your mother wasmarried when she was eighteen. Eighteen! And you wereborn when she was nineteen!' Aunt Mimi looked sad as shesaid this.She decided to say what she thought at once ± as shealways did.`So when are you going bring a nice boy home?' sheasked, looking me right in the eye.`There was that boy Armstrong you saw two years ago.He was nice,' said Momma, trying to help me.`Momma, Armstrong was the pizza delivery man,' I triedto explain, but Momma never did listen.`Armstrong was here a few times. I liked him,' saidMomma.`Momma,' I said, `that was when the cooker broke down± remember? We ate pizzas for almost a week until it was®xed. Armstrong just delivered the pizzas.'`I don't care,' said Momma. `I liked him ± he had niceeyes.'Aunt Mimi raised her eyes in surprise.`You mean to say you let this Armstrong boy go?' saidAunt Mimi.`But he was only the pizza delivery man,' I said, weakly.`Then he was. By now he probably owns the company!'said Aunt Mimi. `And you let him go! Anna!'8It was no use arguing. I knew they were not going tolisten to me. So I changed the subject.`That fruitcake was nice, Momma,' I said.`Aunt Mimi brought it,' said Momma. `But don't changethe subject ± your aunt has something to say to you.'Oh no! She's trying to ®nd a husband for me again!Aunt Mimi bega