J Lan, what’s that building? It looks strange from outside.
L that’s Carrefour , a French supermarket.
J oh yes , I see the logo. The name rings a bell. If I’m not mistaken, Carrefour is based in Paris , a well-known supermarket chain throughout the world. We have Carrefours in the States, too.
L in almost all large cities in the world, I believe. Look at the number on the wall. No.12. That means we have at least 12 Carrefour stores here in the city.
J When did Carrefour and other foreign supermarkets find their the way into China?
L it was after we began to adopt the policy of Reforms and Opening-up to the Outside World.
J the retail business is really a good investment in such a populous country.
L and remember as well that our economy has continuously been booming.
J it’s great to see that China’s future is so bright!
L you probably won’t be surprised either if I tell you we also have American Wal-Marts, German Metros and OBIs here.
J wow! Foreign investors lose no time in“ setting up shop”here in the city.
L exactly. We also have lots of supermarkets of our own. There will be more business opportunities for foreign investment not only in large cities , but also in the vast area of West China!
J indeed! Do you make a large purchases each time? I mean purchases
of daily necessities.
J not always . We usually visit supermarkets on weekends and holidays . It’s sort of fun walking between the shelves . But for small daily necessities , we’d prefer those smaller self-service shops that you can find in almost every community.
J are there imported items available in your supermarkets ?
L yes, of course. Imports from all over the world, such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi Cola, Adidas, Microsoft, Motorola, everything! These are all within our reach.
J really? That make us feel at home.
L but mind you, for some name brands , you’d better go to shopping malls .
J oh, I haven’t been to shopping malls for so long! Shopping’s my cup of tea!
L in addition to shopping, you may also dine and have fun in those shopping malls . they accept credit cards .
J how wonderful! I can’t wait to go shopping.
L don’t hurry. Shopping is in our later schedule.