• Five, other1, the laboratory set up• 2014 laboratory has completed basement 80m2 of based decoration transformation work and the 60m2 three between new laboratory with room of construction, completed Atomic fluorescent points light photometric meter, and graphite furnace atomic absorption, and flame atomic absorption scenery photometric meter of installation and debugging work, can test of elements has Cu, and Pb, and Zn, and Au (soil and rock), and Ag, and As, and Sb, and Hg,. has began for samples test work. • 2, personnel training, missionUnder the agreement, total training Ethiopian geologists 50, has trained 17, the remaining 33, 2016-2017 and training is completed. 2016 will train 20, 2017 training 13. Officials visit 2016-2017 2, 10 at a time.