Von den 4 gelieferten Zylindern haben 3 Stück schon gehakt.Deshalb möchte ich die 4 Zylinder wieder zurückgeben.Bitte um Zusendung von Rücksendemarken und um Rückerstattung des Kaufpreises.
BasicThe article does not work or is damagedCommentsFrom the 4 supplied cylinders, 3 units have already checked. Therefore I would like to give back the 4 cylinder. Please send return end brands and to refund of the purchase price.
Of the 4 supplied cylinders have 3 pieces already gehakt.Deshalb I want the 4 cylinder again zurückgeben.Bitte send me back end brands and to refund the purchase price.
reasonthe article does not work or is damagedcommentsof the four cylinders are supplied three pieces already hooked. i would therefore again 4 cylinder zurückgeben.bitte send rücksendemarken and refund.