CTA-PLS analyzes the specification of indicators in a measurement model by calculating the difference between the product of a pair of covariances and the product of another pair of covariances (tetrad), which is successively done for every possible combination of two pairs of indicators inameasurementmodel.Avanishingtetradequalszero.Inreflectivemeasurementmodels,allthemodel-impliednonredundanttetradsareexpected to vanish (Gudergan et al., 2008). Table x presents the residual values of the model-implied nonredundant vanishing tetrads per construct. As indicated by the bootstrap t-value, some of these values are significantly different from zero. However, the CTA-PLS measurement model assessment requires testing if tetrads are significantly different from zero when all the hypotheses (tetrads) are simultaneously analyzed. For these multiple hypotheses testingpurpose,wedrawontheBonferroni adjusted confidenceintervals. Ifareportedconfidence intervalincludes zero,thetetradisnot significantly different from zero and, thus, vanishes. Because all the tetrads of the constructs vanish (i.e., they are not significantly different from zero), we cannot reject the reflective direction of relationships in these measurement models.