with this phenomena must be incorrect. In fact, rough calculations (based on the
assumption that the increase in flow stress must be due to stain-rate effects) indicate that shearing at the interface must occur over a distance of about 40-60 /lm.
The difficulty of extrusion is thus defined by the A 2 parameter and is, for example, a useful method of judging the difficulty of extrusion of a new order.
Moreover, there is considerable further evidence that this method can be justified
[39-42]. We should note, however, that using a value ofAwould not substantially
alter the regression analysis since the effect of squaring the parameter only alters
the regression constants and not the equation fit.
Thus far we have considered only the extrusion of rods and simple shapes; a
small proportion of the output from aluminium alloys. There is little in the literature concerning the extrusion of multiholes or extrusion using bridge or porthole
dies. Castle [38] reported experiments concerning the extrusion of shapes as well
as extrusion through multihole dies. Unfortunately the work was performed some
years ago and the treatment of the data can be improved. The author has used this
data to show that for multihole extrusion the correction factor required may be
expressed in terms of the peripheral ratio calculated using all the holes (i.e. for
the extrusion of multiple rounds the ratio is simply ...IN where N is the number of
holes) and the pitch circle diameter such that A' = A(DiDB - Dp) where Dp is the
pitch circle diameter and DB is the billet diameter. Figure 4.13 shows the results
of the analysis and Castle's experimental data.
An estimate of the pressure required to extrude through bridge or porthole dies
may be approached by considering the operation as two separate extrusions.