Supposeaspeculatorbelievesthatthepriceofoil,currentlyat$110perbarrel,willincreaseslightly,butnot significantly, during the upcoming year. She therefore makes the following two transactions:1) She purchases a 12-month call option, with an exercise price of$110 per barrel, on 1,000 barrels ofoil. The premium for this option is $2400.2) She writes a 12-month call option, with an exercise price of$115 per barrel, on 1,000 barrels ofoil. The premium for this option is $800.The price ofoil at the time ofthe common expiration ofthese two options is $117.5 per barrel. The annual continuously compounded interest rate is 4.5%. Find the profit or loss, at the expiration date ofthe two options, on the speculator's combined-option portfolio.