Your style will have a significant effect on others this month. You will accomplish more with charm than by force. Cultural activities will be highlighted so try to take in some live music or even a movie. If you want something then simply ask for it, even if it a a date with a special person. In emotional matters this will be a very good month.
The New Moon Mar. 9 will be a positive lunation. Act on your instincts! The Full Moon Mar. 23 will be a stressful lunation. Don’t act on impulse!
Special Focus:
If you were born between July 9 and 10 then this will be another month of high anxiety and sudden change. What you worry about will reveal what you are attached to. You will have to let go of at least one of your attachments. This will be an unstable month. It is not a good time for you to take risks. I would be better to stay in the background.