00:19:41,400 --> 00:19:45,120
all the way to hear see highlights are
00:19:45,120 --> 00:19:49,560
humid tones are about here and your
shadows and deep area is about here
00:19:49,560 --> 00:19:53,130
so if I bring this point over to remind
our cares are
00:19:53,130 --> 00:19:55,970
along the same curve
00:19:55,970 --> 00:19:59,090
and the nest i bringing the car up like
00:19:59,090 --> 00:20:04,250
this point is going up where the shadows
are and so what it's doing i turn on off
00:20:04,250 --> 00:20:07,300
is is adding blues into the shadows
00:20:07,300 --> 00:20:11,520
with out really contaminating and many
other colors
00:20:11,520 --> 00:20:15,090
on the image because these points are
kinda thanking them down
00:20:15,090 --> 00:20:19,310
and so what this allows you to do is
very unique
00:20:19,310 --> 00:20:24,300
create fine color tones just based on
knowing what car you want where
00:20:24,300 --> 00:20:27,760
she can say okay great now I want more
00:20:27,760 --> 00:20:30,900
in my highlights you can bring that down
over here
00:20:30,900 --> 00:20:34,940
and you creating more on cinematic
00:20:34,940 --> 00:20:40,350
cinematic look so to a sick at the same
00:20:40,350 --> 00:20:44,590
K and similarly you can build an ad
00:20:44,590 --> 00:20:48,720
other facts like you know if you want
the image overall more green or you take
00:20:48,720 --> 00:20:50,270
away the green cuz you realize that
00:20:50,270 --> 00:20:53,680
now you want to be more region to cast
you can do that
00:20:53,680 --> 00:20:58,090
you can also use your arrow keys to
control the point some euchre
00:20:58,090 --> 00:21:02,230
cuz if the minimally um and they're
quite sensitive citiship
00:21:02,230 --> 00:21:05,500
very gentle with that it becomes much
you to control
00:21:05,500 --> 00:21:11,020
own show you something else aside from
curves in case you like that either
00:21:11,020 --> 00:21:14,270
you said you not stupid I want to see
more things okay
00:21:14,270 --> 00:21:21,580
rates I like that attitude as we want to
hear alright
00:21:21,580 --> 00:21:24,670
to pretend that you know these two
things to do for you and stink like with
00:21:24,670 --> 00:21:25,630
you USA even
00:21:25,630 --> 00:21:28,810
easier ties nonsense okay
00:21:28,810 --> 00:21:32,220
someone to go into my just hit me again
00:21:32,220 --> 00:21:37,470
and had selective color that's like the
car also has the three ranges a
00:21:37,470 --> 00:21:42,320
shadows highlights and towns because she
gonna drop down menu
00:21:42,320 --> 00:21:46,210
you'll see that black
00:21:46,210 --> 00:21:49,270
has a couple options
00:21:49,270 --> 00:21:53,630
black has the ability to adjust the
doctors in the image
00:21:53,630 --> 00:21:57,100
and this is how sometimes you can fade
out image so if you see a black name is
00:21:57,100 --> 00:21:58,100
Alex kinda faded
00:21:58,100 --> 00:22:02,140
is also very easy to do so along with
using terms if you'd like
00:22:02,140 --> 00:22:05,380
as well self rim
00:22:05,380 --> 00:22:09,030
since let's pretend in my shadows I want
00:22:09,030 --> 00:22:12,270
more the same thing
00:22:12,270 --> 00:22:17,560
lit more Scion in the shadows maybe I
will enhance the luminosity
00:22:17,560 --> 00:22:23,510
above the shadows us to bring I'll be
more I'll
00:22:23,510 --> 00:22:26,620
inthe I'll be dove yellow to me marine
00:22:26,620 --> 00:22:30,530
not going green amnesty soccer than me
00:22:30,530 --> 00:22:33,750
and the at somewhere blue yeah I think
00:22:33,750 --> 00:22:37,110
do it's quite nice and again
00:22:37,110 --> 00:22:41,040
you know you can use Adobe Kuler to see
what works what doesn't afford even
00:22:41,040 --> 00:22:41,780
going is that
00:22:41,780 --> 00:22:45,060
if you really bad with having color
choices because
00:22:45,060 --> 00:22:48,950
you not Evans born with or has an eye
see your cozy like
00:22:48,950 --> 00:22:53,010
it's a very expand experimental process
00:22:53,010 --> 00:22:56,080
again now go back to our white switches
are highlights
00:22:56,080 --> 00:23:01,040
and then adjusted from there as well is
why I love about this is you have these
00:23:01,040 --> 00:23:04,190
all sides to go back and forth then
there's nothing to hear guess work it
00:23:04,190 --> 00:23:04,960
does it for you
00:23:04,960 --> 00:23:08,610
very and against processed on
00:23:08,610 --> 00:23:13,050
you have to think very much and
sometimes when you're
00:23:13,050 --> 00:23:16,290
three hours into an image not thinking
is a good thing sometimes
00:23:16,290 --> 00:23:19,980
the case it didn't do so much
00:23:19,980 --> 00:23:23,620
and I think the reason is more so for
image is currently in the middle range
00:23:23,620 --> 00:23:28,770
I Instagram going to neutrals and just
like I expected
00:23:28,770 --> 00:23:32,360
you can see that a lot of the skin and
so forth
00:23:32,360 --> 00:23:35,870
is adjusted based on me shifting
00:23:35,870 --> 00:23:39,880
colors in the neutrals so there you go
00:23:39,880 --> 00:23:43,430
I think this is something that has come
out quite beautifully
00:23:43,430 --> 00:23:48,070
ago turns on and off and you can see
that it has gone from something that
00:23:48,070 --> 00:23:51,960
is quite nice is something that has a
really beautiful tone
00:23:51,960 --> 00:23:55,480
I like to stay on this something I think
I'll stick with so the end
00:23:55,480 --> 00:23:58,740
you know this will work better the
situation but it may not work better
00:23:58,740 --> 00:24:02,460
in all situations you can see that when
I look at the background
31900:19:41,400 --> 00:19:45,120all the way to hear see highlights arehere32000:19:45,120 --> 00:19:49,560humid tones are about here and yourshadows and deep area is about here32100:19:49,560 --> 00:19:53,130so if I bring this point over to remindour cares are32200:19:53,130 --> 00:19:55,970along the same curve32300:19:55,970 --> 00:19:59,090and the nest i bringing the car up likethis32400:19:59,090 --> 00:20:04,250this point is going up where the shadowsare and so what it's doing i turn on off32500:20:04,250 --> 00:20:07,300is is adding blues into the shadows32600:20:07,300 --> 00:20:11,520with out really contaminating and manyother colors32700:20:11,520 --> 00:20:15,090on the image because these points arekinda thanking them down32800:20:15,090 --> 00:20:19,310and so what this allows you to do isvery unique32900:20:19,310 --> 00:20:24,300create fine color tones just based onknowing what car you want where33000:20:24,300 --> 00:20:27,760she can say okay great now I want moreyellows33100:20:27,760 --> 00:20:30,900in my highlights you can bring that downover here33200:20:30,900 --> 00:20:34,940and you creating more on cinematic33300:20:34,940 --> 00:20:40,350cinematic look so to a sick at the samepoint33400:20:40,350 --> 00:20:44,590K and similarly you can build an ad33500:20:44,590 --> 00:20:48,720other facts like you know if you wantthe image overall more green or you take33600:20:48,720 --> 00:20:50,270away the green cuz you realize that33700:20:50,270 --> 00:20:53,680now you want to be more region to castyou can do that33800:20:53,680 --> 00:20:58,090you can also use your arrow keys tocontrol the point some euchre33900:20:58,090 --> 00:21:02,230cuz if the minimally um and they'requite sensitive citiship34000:21:02,230 --> 00:21:05,500very gentle with that it becomes muchyou to control34100:21:05,500 --> 00:21:11,020own show you something else aside fromcurves in case you like that either34200:21:11,020 --> 00:21:14,270you said you not stupid I want to seemore things okay34300:21:14,270 --> 00:21:21,580rates I like that attitude as we want tohear alright34400:21:21,580 --> 00:21:24,670to pretend that you know these twothings to do for you and stink like with34500:21:24,670 --> 00:21:25,630you USA even34600:21:25,630 --> 00:21:28,810easier ties nonsense okay34700:21:28,810 --> 00:21:32,220someone to go into my just hit me again34800:21:32,220 --> 00:21:37,470and had selective color that's like thecar also has the three ranges a34900:21:37,470 --> 00:21:42,320shadows highlights and towns because shegonna drop down menu35000:21:42,320 --> 00:21:46,210you'll see that black35100:21:46,210 --> 00:21:49,270has a couple options35200:21:49,270 --> 00:21:53,630black has the ability to adjust thedoctors in the image35300:21:53,630 --> 00:21:57,100and this is how sometimes you can fadeout image so if you see a black name is35400:21:57,100 --> 00:21:58,100Alex kinda faded35500:21:58,100 --> 00:22:02,140is also very easy to do so along withusing terms if you'd like35600:22:02,140 --> 00:22:05,380as well self rim35700:22:05,380 --> 00:22:09,030since let's pretend in my shadows I wanton35800:22:09,030 --> 00:22:12,270more the same thing35900:22:12,270 --> 00:22:17,560lit more Scion in the shadows maybe Iwill enhance the luminosity36000:22:17,560 --> 00:22:23,510above the shadows us to bring I'll bemore I'll36100:22:23,510 --> 00:22:26,620inthe I'll be dove yellow to me marine36200:22:26,620 --> 00:22:30,530not going green amnesty soccer than mefrom36300:22:30,530 --> 00:22:33,750and the at somewhere blue yeah I think36400:22:33,750 --> 00:22:37,110do it's quite nice and again36500:22:37,110 --> 00:22:41,040you know you can use Adobe Kuler to seewhat works what doesn't afford even36600:22:41,040 --> 00:22:41,780going is that36700:22:41,780 --> 00:22:45,060if you really bad with having colorchoices because36800:22:45,060 --> 00:22:48,950you not Evans born with or has an eyesee your cozy like36900:22:48,950 --> 00:22:53,010it's a very expand experimental processsup37000:22:53,010 --> 00:22:56,080again now go back to our white switchesare highlights37100:22:56,080 --> 00:23:01,040and then adjusted from there as well iswhy I love about this is you have these37200:23:01,040 --> 00:23:04,190all sides to go back and forth thenthere's nothing to hear guess work it37300:23:04,190 --> 00:23:04,960does it for you37400:23:04,960 --> 00:23:08,610very and against processed on37500:23:08,610 --> 00:23:13,050you have to think very much andsometimes when you're37600:23:13,050 --> 00:23:16,290three hours into an image not thinkingis a good thing sometimes37700:23:16,290 --> 00:23:19,980the case it didn't do so much37800:23:19,980 --> 00:23:23,620and I think the reason is more so forimage is currently in the middle range37900:23:23,620 --> 00:23:28,770I Instagram going to neutrals and justlike I expected38000:23:28,770 --> 00:23:32,360you can see that a lot of the skin andso forth38100:23:32,360 --> 00:23:35,870is adjusted based on me shifting38200:23:35,870 --> 00:23:39,880colors in the neutrals so there you go38300:23:39,880 --> 00:23:43,430I think this is something that has comeout quite beautifully38400:23:43,430 --> 00:23:48,070ago turns on and off and you can seethat it has gone from something that38500:23:48,070 --> 00:23:51,960is quite nice is something that has areally beautiful tone38600:23:51,960 --> 00:23:55,480I like to stay on this something I thinkI'll stick with so the end38700:23:55,480 --> 00:23:58,740you know this will work better thesituation but it may not work better38800:23:58,740 --> 00:24:02,460in all situations you can see that whenI look at the background