Sagittarius horoscope for December 23 - December 29Relationship issues may have been on your mind a lot lately, Sagittarius, and the tension of dealing with at least one of those people who have been on your mind could catch up with you this week. This is a time when many people are very stressed, and being the perfectionist that you are, this may be an especially tense time for you. That may be why those relationships you value are on your mind more. You need to look at your interactions with a particular person more objectively, and try to make note of the patterns that are there. Doing this could give you good insight into what you can do better, and what you can ask your friend or loved one to do as well. To deal with the generally high level of stress you are feeling now, you could do something productive that requires your concentration and a lot of your energy. Distracting yourself this way will not only relieve the tension, it will be productive as well. So, do some organizing of those "junk" drawers, rearrange the storage in the garage, create a better system for your closet, and so on. You will feel a sense of accomplishment when you are done, and you will feel better and more satisfied overall. Most importantly this week, take some time to unwind and relax. Do whatever it is that brings you comfort. Whether that is an hour a day reading a good book, or an evening on a barstool with your favorite beverage and the company of a good friend, this is another way to indulge yourself and to let off some steam. -- Copyright © Daily Horoscope.Download it now —