One of the more startling findings of structural
genomics is that structures can often be functionally
interpreted even when their folds are novel. For example,
the discovery of a long, positively charged groove on the
surface of the mouse tubby protein allowed Boggon and
colleagues to postulate that it is a DNA-binding
protein88. The structure also showed that all but one of
the tubby mutations responsible for retinitis pigmentosa type 14 are found in a small region of the groove, even
though they are dispersed within the sequence. Some of
these replace positive amino acids with neutral ones,
strengthening the hypothesis that surface charge is
important. So, not only did three-dimensional structure
provide insight into the molecular function of tubby, but
also it helped to explain disease-causing mutations.
One of the more startling findings of structural
genomics is that structures can often be functionally
interpreted even when their folds are novel. For example,
the discovery of a long, positively charged groove on the
surface of the mouse tubby protein allowed Boggon and
colleagues to postulate that it is a DNA-binding
protein88. The structure also showed that all but one of
the tubby mutations responsible for retinitis pigmentosa type 14 are found in a small region of the groove, even
though they are dispersed within the sequence. Some of
these replace positive amino acids with neutral ones,
strengthening the hypothesis that surface charge is
important. So, not only did three-dimensional structure
provide insight into the molecular function of tubby, but
also it helped to explain disease-causing mutations.