Safe Mode
Safe mode is a feature of Cydia Substrate that prevents your device from entering a permanent crash cycle by giving you a chance to uninstall malfunctioning extensions without a complete device restore.
Below are instructions for help on how to get your device back in working order. Only continue on to the next step if the previous one was not able to solve your problem.
1: Just Restart
If this is the first time you have entered safe mode, just tap the status bar at the top of the screen and click Restart to restart your SpringBoard. If this was an isolated issue, this should be enough to get you going again.
If you've already tried the above, and you're back in Safe Mode, read on.
2: Remove Recently Installed Extensions
If you recently installed a new tweak or extension in Cydia, try uninstalling that tweak. Open up Cydia, go to Installed, tap Recent, find the tweak and tap it, tap Modify in the top-right corner, and tap Remove to uninstall it.
Especially try uninstalling any extensions that may not be compatible with your device's iOS version (often the description page for an extension mentions which iOS versions it is compatible with). Also make sure you're using extensions from trusted repositories such as BigBoss, ModMyi, and ZodTTD & MacCiti.
If you haven't recently installed an extension, or uninstalling it didn't help, read on.
3: Determine Cause
If you are still stuck in Safe Mode, you can try to diagnose the problem using an app called Crash Reporter. Open that up, select SpringBoard, and choose the top crash. Crash Reporter will try to provide an automated guess as to what extension caused the crash. If it finds something, try removing that package in Cydia. (Be careful about uninstalling packages you don't recognize, in case they're packages that Cydia needs.)
You should also send the developer of the extension the crash log found by Crash Reporter, so they can fix the issue in an update to their package.
If Crash Reporter can't find what causes the crash, or removing the tweak it finds doesn't help, read on.
4: Ask for Help
If you still can't get your device back in working order, your next best bet is to ask for help. You can ask a forum such as JailbreakQA or /r/jailbreak; make sure to include a list of your installed tweaks so that other people can help make guesses about the problem.
If nobody is able to provide help to get your device working again, read on.
5: Restore
If all else fails, you can always restore with iTunes, which will also automatically update your device to the latest iOS version. Before you try this, you should check Cydia's help pages to find out whether the latest iOS version can be jailbroken. Don't upgrade to an iOS version past what is able to be jailbroken: you likely cannot come back.
Safe ModeSafe mode is a feature of Cydia Substrate that prevents your device from entering a permanent crash cycle by giving you a chance to uninstall malfunctioning extensions without a complete device restore.Below are instructions for help on how to get your device back in working order. Only continue on to the next step if the previous one was not able to solve your problem.1: Just RestartIf this is the first time you have entered safe mode, just tap the status bar at the top of the screen and click Restart to restart your SpringBoard. If this was an isolated issue, this should be enough to get you going again.If you've already tried the above, and you're back in Safe Mode, read on.2: Remove Recently Installed ExtensionsIf you recently installed a new tweak or extension in Cydia, try uninstalling that tweak. Open up Cydia, go to Installed, tap Recent, find the tweak and tap it, tap Modify in the top-right corner, and tap Remove to uninstall it.Especially try uninstalling any extensions that may not be compatible with your device's iOS version (often the description page for an extension mentions which iOS versions it is compatible with). Also make sure you're using extensions from trusted repositories such as BigBoss, ModMyi, and ZodTTD & MacCiti.If you haven't recently installed an extension, or uninstalling it didn't help, read on.3: Determine Cause如果你还停留在安全模式下,你可以尝试诊断使用叫做崩溃记者应用程序时出现问题。开放的、 选择跳板,并选择顶部的崩溃。失事记者会尝试提供自动的猜测有什么扩展导致的崩溃。如果它找到的东西,请尝试在 Cydia 删除该软件包。(要小心卸载的软件包你认不出,以防他们 Cydia 需要的软件包)。您还应该发送崩溃日志找到失事记者,扩展的开发人员,所以他们可以在他们包更新中解决此问题。如果崩溃记者找不到是什么原因导致崩溃,或删除它找到的调整并不帮助,继续读下去。4: 寻求帮助如果你仍然不能得到您的设备回复正常的工作秩序,你下一个最好的选择是寻求帮助。你可以问一个论坛,如 JailbreakQA 或 /r/jailbreak;请确保列出您已安装的调整,以便其他人可以帮助使这一问题的猜测。如果没有人能提供的帮助,让您的设备重新工作,继续读下去。5: 恢复如果一切都失败了,你总是可以还原与 iTunes,也会自动更新您的设备到最新的 iOS 版本。您尝试此操作之前,您应该检查 Cydia 的帮助页,找出最新的 iOS 版本是否可以越狱。别升级到过去的什么是能够被破解 iOS 版本: 你可能不能回来。