A welcome bonus for me was the prevalence of critters which made night dives among the most eagerly awaited of the day. Toadfish are indigenous to the Caribbean Sea and Belize has 4 species. It was always a delight to search and listen out for these bizarre creatures. Octopus and reef squid, always favourites with scuba divers, were spotted on most night dives. Shells, especially conch and ovulidae, and lobsters could all easily be found. One of my favourite encounters was a sculptured slipper lobster scurrying over a coral bommie, looking for all the world like a giant bed bug. Cryptic neck and decorator crabs, arrow and hermit crabs are all here in abundance.
And an ever-present on night dives are hunting tarpon - a rather grumpy looking 3-foot long predator fish, huge groupers and jacks