The same ten healthy volunteers (M/F, 5/5; mean age ± SD,24.9 ± 3.3 [range 20-31] years; mean height ± SD,173.4 ± 9.7 cm; mean weight ± SD, 68.3 ± 16.3 kg) as investigated in parts 1 and 2 of the study were evaluated.None of the volunteers was taking any medication. All persons were informed about the nature of the investigation, as far as the study design allowed. The study was approved by thelocal ethics committee (Medical University of Graz, No. 13-048,valid until Jan 25, 2011; “laserneedle stimulation”), and all volunteers gave their written informed consent. The persons lay face down on a bed in our lab (constant room temperature, 25C), some with their faces in a sponge rubber mask similar to those used for the positioning ofpatients undergoing neurosurgery, so that respiration was unhindered.Four 5-minute periods of averaged data before (a), during (b, c), and after (d) the violet laser stimulation were compared (see also Fig. 3, bottom). Therefore, irradiationlasted for 10 min.Similar to the study design described in parts 1 and 2, all persons received active laser stimulation (n Z 10;Fig. 3), and in addition, 2 of 10 subjects (randomly chosen) were investigated using metal needle and placebo (deactivated laser) stimulation as control. Not all of our European volunteers had a high acceptance of manual needle acupuncture, especially because of the point location, which is hidden from direct view.Acupuncture stimulation was performed again at the point Dazhui (GV14) located below the spinal process of the 7th cervical vertebra. As mentioned in the previously published parts of the study, this is an important point for treating common cold, occipital headache, cervical spondylosis, and torticollis. This point is also commonly used for moxibustion, and is therefore suitable for violet laser stimulation, which to some extent also produces heateffects that are described in this paper.Heart rate (Medilog AR12; Huntleigh Healthcare, Cardiff,UK) and blood pressure (Cardiocap, Datex, Hoevelaken,Netherlands) were recorded in addition to the temperature parameters (compare also [1,2]).