For HRV measures, cardiac R-wave detection was performed with VivoMetrics software. All intervals were visually inspected and corrected for false or undetected R-waves, movement artifacts, and ectopic beats. HF-HRV was calculated as normative units of the spectral power density of HRV in the high frequency range of 0.15e0.40 Hz (see Camm et al., 1996) with fast Fourier transform(resample rate ¼ 4 Hz, FFT window length ¼ 512) using Kubios software (Tarvainen, Niskanen, Lipponen, Ranta-Aho, & Karjalai- nen, 2009). Normative units were calculated as HF-HRVn.u. ¼ 100*(HF absolute power/(total absolute power very low frequency absolute power)). Here, total power was defined as the total power (area under the curve) over all frequencies for the specified time range and very low frequency power as power in the frequency range of 0e0.003 Hz (Camm et al., 1996). HF-HRV was analyzed for the 5 min baseline period, the 15 min relaxation task, and the 30 s interval immediately following hyperventilation (see Pittig et al., 2013).
For HRV measures, cardiac R-wave detection was performed with VivoMetrics software. All intervals were visually inspected and corrected for false or undetected R-waves, movement artifacts, and ectopic beats. HF-HRV was calculated as normative units of the spectral power density of HRV in the high frequency range of 0.15e0.40 Hz (see Camm et al., 1996) with fast Fourier transform<br><br>(resample rate ¼ 4 Hz, FFT window length ¼ 512) using Kubios software (Tarvainen, Niskanen, Lipponen, Ranta-Aho, & Karjalai- nen, 2009). Normative units were calculated as HF-HRV<br><br>NU¼100 *(HF絕對功率/(總絕對功率非常低的頻率的絕對功率))。這裡,總功率在所有頻率在指定的時間範圍和非常低的頻率的功率,如0e0.003赫茲的頻率範圍的功率(卡姆等人,1996)定義為總功率(曲線下面積)。HF-HRV分析為5分鐘基線期,15分鐘鬆弛任務,和30秒的時間間隔後立即過度通氣(參見Pittig等人,2013年)。