It can be found, then, local batik SMEs who are still focusing on traditional batik (batik tulis and batik cap) productions, as well as those who have already shifted their business to include ‘batik printing.’ It can be found also SMEs who produce combinations of batik cap and/or batik tulis with batik printing. Those SMEs who also produce batik printing textiles do realize that those printings are not batik. However, Zahir Widadi mentioned that the process of batik printing production may also involve the use of hot wax (malam), so that it becomes a combination of traditional and modern batik productions. This raises a discourse of modern batik technique inclusion into batik culture, which means that at one point, printed textiles with batik motifs / patterns which also use malam during the process, may be included as batik products, or at the least, modern batik products. Yet it also contains risk of diminishing the original value of batik culture.