SQLite format 3   @       $ ?v$ P++Ytablesqlite_sequen的中文翻譯

SQLite format 3   @      

SQLite format 3   @     
$ ?v$ P++Ytablesqlite_sequencesqlite_sequenceCREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq)?''?tableqq_msgHistoryqq_msgHistoryCREATE TABLE qq_msgHistory(_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY autoincrement,selfUin INTEGER,uin INTEGER,msgType INTEGER,subType INTEGER,senderUin INTEGER,senderName TEXT,receiverUin INTEGER,receiverName TEXT,timeflag INTEGER,msgBodyType INTEGER,msgBody TEXT,olPicParam TEXT)W--ctableandroid_metadataandroid_metadataCREATE TABLE android_metadata (locale TEXT)                                                                                               
  zh_CN [ a??????????????????????~xrlf`ZTNHB4 

4d&5€} 5€}?d&:,?澶揩浜嗙敺瀛╁コ瀛? D3 
4d&f 4d&f鐕曠嚂銆?:,6鍥炵數璇?533379397382 
4d&[p2 4d&[p2鑹宠壋:,x?1533379397391 
4d&[p2 4d&[p2鑹宠壋:,
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
SQLite format 3   @      $ ?v$ P++Ytablesqlite_sequencesqlite_sequenceCREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq)?''?tableqq_msgHistoryqq_msgHistoryCREATE TABLE qq_msgHistory(_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY autoincrement,selfUin INTEGER,uin INTEGER,msgType INTEGER,subType INTEGER,senderUin INTEGER,senderName TEXT,receiverUin INTEGER,receiverName TEXT,timeflag INTEGER,msgBodyType INTEGER,msgBody TEXT,olPicParam TEXT)W--ctableandroid_metadataandroid_metadataCREATE TABLE android_metadata (locale TEXT)                                                                                                  zh_CN [ a??????????????????????~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$  ?????????????????????|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("?????d&5€} 4d&5€}炬柟鏂?:, 両浣犳槸涓嶆槸鏉ユ礇闃充簡6 4d&5€} 4d&5€}炬柟鏂?:, 娌′簨锛? /4d&5€} 5€}?d&:,?鐜╁憿锛屼綘鍛? 0 4d&#? 4d&#?徨杻鍠?:,惪锛? +4d&5€} 4d&5€}炬柟鏂?:, R鍦ㄥ共鍢涘憿锛?  `塕 _塆 ^? ]? ? [? Z Y坧 X坅 W圸 V圠 U? T? S? R? Q? P噕 O噁 N嘰 M嘙 L? K? J? I? H? G? F唒 E哷 D哖 C? B? A? @? ?? >卾 =単 <匶 ;匥 :? 9? 8? 7? 6? 5剋 4則 3刴 2刞 1凲 0凥 /? .? -? ,? + *僸 )僣 (僘 '僇 &? %? $? #? "? !倀 俤 俇 侲 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 亃 乵 乢 丱 ? ? ? ? ? w g V G 8 )     'qq_msgHistory? _ O??k1 _ Q  a4d&#? #??d&:, F?鎬庝箞浜?(鏉ヨ嚜鎵嬫満QQ2012 [Android] ) E =4d&5€} 4d&5€}炬柟鏂?:, 両浣犳槸涓嶆槸鏉ユ礇闃充簡6 4d&5€} 4d&5€}炬柟鏂?:, 娌′簨锛? /4d&5€} 5€}?d&:,?鐜╁憿锛屼綘鍛? 0 4d&#? 4d&#?徨杻鍠?:,惪锛? +4d&5€} 4d&5€}炬柟鏂?:, R鍦ㄥ共鍢涘憿锛? 4d&K 艼 4d&K 艼钀岃悓:, 始鍦ㄦ病= -4d&PL嗲 4d&PL嗲闄櫔:, Y? 鏈€杩戣繕濂藉悧? %?4d&''绯荤粺娑堟伅4d&:,'?DESC=鎮ㄦ湁2鏉℃湭璇绘秷鎭細%0d%0a鎵嬫満寰崥灏忕涔?0d%0a浜茬埍鐨凘wwwwuqiumei锛岃繕鍦ㄤ负涓?..%0d%0a鎵嬫満寰崥灏忓箍鎾?0d%0a@wwwwuqiumei 鎭枩鎮ㄧ殑寰崥绛?..%0d%0a&RESPCONDITION=MANUAL&RESPCONTENTS=&RESPCONTENTTYPES=TMTWAPI&RESPDESC=鏌ョ湅璇︽儏&RESPDEST=http://ti.3g.qq.com/g/s?aid%3dh%26g_f%3d11857%26pi%3d6%26ai%3d6%26sc%3d4%26osc%3d4%26ti%3d0&SUBJECT=鑵捐寰崥  ? ??S??B???R u ? 4 '4d&PL嗲 PL嗲4d&:,#?浣犲湪鎵撴墦 . 4d&PL嗲 PL嗲4d&:, ?娌″憖 6 4d&5€} 4d&5€}炬柟鏂?:,:涓嶆槸鍚? 4d&5€} 5€}?d&:,n涓ゅぉ B 74d&PL嗲 4d&PL嗲闄櫔:,?鍝︽€庝箞鑰佹槸鍏虫満7 -4d&PL嗲 PL嗲4d&:,*3杩樻槸閭d釜鍙?. 4d&PL嗲 PL嗲4d&:,娌″晩 < +4d&5€} 4d&5€}炬柟鏂?:,?鍟婃潵浜嗗嚑澶〨 M4d&5€} 5€}?d&:,恎鎴戠幇鍦ㄦ病鍦ㄤ簡锛屽湪鎴戝 K I4d&PL嗲 4d&PL嗲闄櫔:,k鎴戜篃鏄綘鏄笉鏄崲鍙蜂簡T g4d&PL嗲 PL嗲4d&:, J寰堝ソ浣犲憿(鏉ヨ嚜鎵嬫満QQ2012 [Android] ) 6 4d&#? 4d&#?徨杻鍠?:, 轚鍝﹀懙鍛? '4d&#? #??d&:, 牋蹇竴宀佷簡 6  4d&5€} 4d&5€}炬柟鏂?:, 湂鍦ㄥ摢鍛?  4d&5€} 5€}?d&:, (?鏄樋 B 74d&#? 4d&#?徨杻鍠?:, 1?浣犲効瀛愬嚑涓湀浜?  f ??K??tA ??z. f :) 34d&PL嗲 PL嗲4d&:,iD娌′簨鏉ユ壘鎴戠帺 +( 4d&PL嗲 PL嗲4d&:,?鍣?]' m4d&5€} 4d&5€}炬柟鏂?:,?濂芥兂浣犲彲鎯滀笉鐭ラ亾浠€涔堟椂鍊欒繕鑳藉湪瑙丣& S4d&5€} 5€}?d&:,洯鍢垮樋鎴戞病鎯虫墦鎵颁綘浠殑闃? +% 4d&#? #??d&:,蟢鍝?0$ 4d&PL嗲 4d&PL嗲闄櫔:,驶娌?# !4d&PL嗲 PL嗲4d&:,將涓婄彮娌?3" 4d&#? 4d&#?徨杻鍠?:,娌′簨1! !4d&#? #??d&:,孭鎬庝箞浜?0  4d&PL嗲 4d&PL嗲闄櫔:,悫鎭? !4d&PL嗲 PL嗲4d&:,$?娌″叧鏈?? 14d&5€} 4d&5€}炬柟鏂?:,礪鍥炴潵鎬庝箞涓嶈/ 4d&5€} 5€}?d&:,赶鍛靛懙 ? 14d&PL嗲 4d&PL嗲闄櫔:,尊鏄庡ぉ缁欎綘鎵撳惂? 14d&PL嗲 4d&PL嗲闄櫔:,?鎴戞槰澶╂墦鍏虫満1 !4d&PL嗲 PL嗲4d&:,]152鐨勫悧  X ?6??}'??l, X /8 4d&5€} 5€}?d&:,孭鎸哄ソ 37 4d&PL嗲 4d&PL嗲闄櫔:,?瀹滈槼76 -4d&PL嗲 PL嗲4d&:,ν鍘诲摢鎵句綘鍟?35 4d&5€} 4d&5€}炬柟鏂?:,I?濂冲>4 ;4d&5€} 5€}?d&:,?澶揩浜嗙敺瀛╁コ瀛? D3 54d&f 4d&f鐕曠嚂銆?:,6鍥炵數璇?533379397382 #4d&[p2 4d&[p2鑹宠壋:,x?1533379397391 %4d&[p2 4d&[p2鑹宠壋:,[4d&5€} 4d&5€}炬柟鏂?:,?鍦ㄨ繃鍗佸ぉ鍗婁釜鏈堟垜鍙堝仛濡堝浜?/ ;4d&5€} 5€}?d&:,鍣㈤偅绛夋湁鏃堕棿鐨? 3. 4d&5€} 4d&5€}炬柟鏂?:,4?杩樺ソB- 74d&5€} 4d&5€}炬柟鏂?:,?閭f垜浼拌鍑轰笉鍘籊, M4d&5€} 5€}?d&:,鵥鎴戜篃鎯充綘锛屼綘杩囧緱濂戒箞 A+ A4d&5€} 5€}?d&:,鎴戣繃骞磋繕鍥炲幓鍛箹 <* +4d&PL嗲 4d&PL嗲闄櫔:,w浣犳潵鎵炬垜鍟?  V ??N???;???[ V AG A4d&5€} 5€}?d&:,R 閭d綘浠€庝箞鑺遍挶鍛? +4d&5€} 4d&5€}炬柟鏂?:,蘸缁欐病浜嬩竴鏍?E ;4d&5€} 5€}?d&:,dd浠栫幇鍦ㄥ共浠€涔堢殑 BD 74d&5€} 4d&5€}炬柟鏂?:,V?鐩墠鍙兘杩欐牱浜?C )4d&5€} 5€}?d&:,贊瀵逛粯杩囧惂 3B 4d&PL嗲 4d&PL嗲闄櫔:,Z?鍜嬩簡4A '4d&PL嗲 PL嗲4d&:,軙涓嶆柟渚垮晩 <@ +4d&5€} 4d&5€}炬柟鏂?:,$鍝庯紒灏辨槸鍟奡? e4d&5€} 5€}?d&:,沍鍞夐偅鑳芥€庝箞鍔為樋锛岄兘涓や釜瀛╁瓙浜? 6> 4d&PL嗲 4d&PL嗲闄櫔:,N9鏉ヤ笉锛?= 4d&PL嗲 PL嗲4d&:,慐鍣?W< a4d&5€} 4d&5€}炬柟鏂?:,R浠栬繕涓嶅浠ュ墠鎴戠湡鐨勫ソ鍚庢倲璺熶粬;; 
4d&5€} 5€}?d&:,敉涓轰粈涔堥樋澶氬ソ <: 
4d&5€} 4d&5€}炬柟鏂?:,<3涓€鐐逛篃涓嶅ソ59 

4d&5€} 5€}?d&:,確澶垢绂忎簡
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
SQLite格式3    @     
  美元?V  $ P     ytablesqlite_sequencesqlite_sequence 创建表sqlite_sequence(名称,SEQ)?  ”?tableqq_msghistoryqq_msghistory 创建表qq_msghistory(_id整型主键递增,selfuin整数,在msgtype整数,整数,整数型,senderuin整数,sendername文本,receiveruin整数,receivername文本,timeflag整数,msgbodytype整数,msgbody文本,olPicParam TEXT)W--ctableandroid_metadataandroid_metadataCREATE TABLE android_metadata (locale TEXT)                                                                                               
  zh_CN [ a?????????????????????? ~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$  ????????????????????? |vpjd
XRLF@: 4. ( "
????? d * 5 / 5}} 4d at the Ju Nan.?: , and  did you, don't go to that unit Yu filled 6 

4d * 5 in the 4d / 5}} the Ju Nan.?: No. ', . Ben?  

4d * 5}} at the 5 d /? :,
? If you  Jiao, bare 0 

4 D, forging?? 4d / Huang Huang, terminal??: the ,  

?4  D&5€} 4  D&5€}炬柟鏂?:,
R 鍦ㄥ共鍢涘憿锛?      
?]??【?Z Y坧X坅圸圠U V W?T?S?R?问?P噕O噁N嘰M嘙L?K?J?我?H?G?唒哷D E F哖C?B?一个?”吗???>卾=単<匶;匥:?9?8?7?6?5 4 3 2剋則刴刞1凲0凥/?。?-?,?*僸)僣(僘”僇&?%?美元吗?#?”?!倀俤俇侲???????亃乵乢丱?????
G 8 )  
     ” qq_msghistory ?_ O?? k1 Q 

4d, _ ??? d / : what's wrong, F?? (to Mei gallium with QQ2012 [Android] and E 
4d), 5 were 4d, 5 were}} Ju Nan.?: , and  did you, don't that. Unit was filled Yu Jane 6 

4d 5 at 4d = 5 *}}. The Ju Nan?:  '', 

4d * 5, .? at the d / 5}}? :,
? If you  Jiao, bare forging? 

4d * 4d * 0? Them? Backbone: Huang?, the 
4d 5?  
 / 4d / 5}} at the Ju Nan.?:,
R Di were well, river bank Jiao Ben?

4d / 4d / K  Ding K Ding Qian : it was a holiday,  di 
4d, PL disease = dia 4d, DIA Yao Li : PL, Y? Chain. Want Shan Lian by yourself?  %
4d *'
' red meat Zhuan polished rice Suo Si quickly, , ': 4d the town had 2? DESC= well. C Qiu Xuan painted Zhi town fine%0d%0a gallium and full Pi Hao Shi atlas Cen? 0d%0a Bang stubble, drift ice wwwwuqiumei. Just make di compared with negative Juan?..%0d%0a and gallium with atlantoaxial Pi Ms. hoop so? 0d%0a@wwwwuqiumei town town like a Pi atlas. Jiang?..%0d%0a * RESPCONDITION=MANUAL * RESPCONTENTS= * RESPCONTENTTYPES=TMTWAPI * RESPDESC= / see Xuan "Can / RESPDEST=http://ti.3g.qq.com/g/s? Aid%3dh%26g_f%3d11857%26pi%3d6%26ai%3d6%26sc%3d4%26osc%3d4%26ti%3d0 / SUBJECT= can donate Atlas Pi
 ??? S?? B?? R? U? 4 

4d, PL PL 4d,  whine, whine: ? You're not that Fan gallium 

4d, PL PL. dia dia 4d, :,  ? '" 6 

4d, Yin 5 4d * 5}} at the torch, : Nan.?:No,  Juan?  

4d * 5}} at the 5? d / : n Juan B 
4d,. * PL 4d * PL Yao whine whine Li : Wow,  ? "What to do, the key insect with 7 

4d / PL. 4d / PL  whine whine I've *3:,, LV d still just.? 

4d * PL PL 4d *  whine whine:" No. ", < 

4d * 5 4d * 5}} at the Ju Nan.?: , too? Xing Bang right now that rest  

4d * 5} at the 5 the }? d: I'm ,
Die Di Di opening up greater disease Jane, I'm K 
Han.4d * PL 4d * PL Yao whine whine Li :
k, I didn't really you,'t it just Huang bee Jane T 

4d * PL PL 4d *  whine whine: with J, you have to assess Jiao
(crucible. Mei gallium with QQ2012 [Android] and 6 

4d,) the? 4d? Huang Huang, backbone?: Ji  wow 'Yu forging

4d * d *??? : ,'  Jian. So 6  

4d / 5 intervals in the 4d / 5}} the Ju Nan.?: , perhaps  Hu Di the 5  forging? 

4d at 5 d /}} yourself? :, (? D, 
4, B
 Tong? 4d *?Huang Huang, 1 terminal:?? you have to rest tweezers, Juan Ying Su effect  ? F?? K?? tA ?? z. F: 

4d / PL PL)  dia dia 4d, iD address, : 'I'm try to base unit.  (

4d / PL PL dia dia 4d: the ,  Zhao?? 
4 D 5 were]' / 4d / 5}} the Ju Nan, :.?? Think you're Chi Lian mustard to accumulate not Yu RA and the person in Zhuan time chain Shanjian. Naw. By Luan,  

4d * 5} 5} at yourself? d, : Hey,  Qie  falling Tong I'm to insect Fan gallium by you.. at 

4d,%????: d, ,  Xi  wow 0$ 

?4d * PL 4d * PL Yao whine whine Li : , driving  address?  

4d, PL PL 4d,  whine whine,  will say:  Juan Yong No. 3? " 

4d * 4d *?? Huang Huang,  backbone?: No. 1 '.  

4d,??? d *,
Mie  : what's wrong? 0 

4d / 4d / PL  whine whine Yao PL Li : Harcourt,   town?  

4d, PL PL 4d,  whine whine:" but, $? No. chain?? 
4d / 4d at 5 } / 5}. The Ju Nan Li, ?:  carve Yang now know what don't / 

4d * 5} 5} at the d / ?:, catch  forging indigo Yu? 
4d * 4d * PL  whine whine Yao PL Li : respect,  , Yi. Give you a Kan gallium in? 
4d * PL 4d *  whine whine Yao Li : PL, ? I'm still  Peng Fan worm with 1 

4d, PL PL! 4d,  whine whine:, ]152't you
 . X? 6?}'??? L, X /8 

4d, 5 were d, 5 were}}? : , Mie  engrave to assess 37 

4d / PL 4d / PL Yao whine whine Li  , . Chen:? 76 

4d, PL PL Gui dia dia 4d, : V,   cut his Hu gallium Xing 35  

you?4d * 5 4d * 5}} at the Ju Nan.?:, I? >4 

 Lian Chong;
4d / 5}} at the 5? d: the , ?  bang bang that their arrangements Qu Ying Ying course? D3 
4d, f 4d, f   Zan open Lan.?:, 6 takes the Tong number you? 533379397382
4d, [p2 4d, 
 [p2 Cuan pet Dang :, x? 1533379397391 
4d [p2 4d / [p2 / Cuan pet Dang: , [
4d * 5 4d * 5}} at the Ju Nan.?:, ?  Di an an an autoclave to stretch. I just Zhuan Lou chain s or crucible crucible? /  

;The 4d / 5}} = 5 at? d: ,   Zhao five. Jiang to have fallen Ni arrowheads.? 3. 

4d * 5 4d * 5}} at the Ju Nan.?:, 4? 
4d, 5 B- and birch to assess the 4d / 5}} the Ju Nan.?: F, I want to ? Don't mix. Detonation. Ti,  

4d * 5}} at the 5? d / :  Pan , I didn't want you, you embarrassed Ma Gou Lian bald or what A 

4d, the  5} 5} d,  yourself? I said: ,  stretched out to carve for forging Qian. Yue <* 

4d * PL 4d * PL Yao whine whine Li : w, do you now I Xing GA Ju  ? V?? N???; ???V AG 

4d, 5 [} 5} at the d / ?: R D,  Lu You and at what times hold forging new? 4d / 4d at 5 
}} = 5 were Ju Nan.?: , dip in  has disease bang. For the E 

;? The
4d / 5}} = 5 at d, dd? : he'll end. The total Di Cen Bao. BD 
4d, 5 were 4d, 5 were}} Ju Nan.?:, V?,. You know what I just give? C
4d, the 

) 5} the d / 5}? : praise,   Fen to pay this embarrassed 3B 

4d / PL Kan dia 4d, DIA Yao Li : PL, Z for 4A  

Jane I?4d * PL PL 4d *  whine whine,  Chen: don't  Nan Zhu collapse. <@ 

4d * 5 4d * 5}} at the Ju Nan.?: Wow, $ Bu Hao Ji resolution, Xing strong?  

4d * 5} 5} at the d / , :? Hu  locked. Xiong, mustard at what was inside that Juan Tong, the kettle, Ying Dao? 6> 

4d, PL 4d, PL Yao whine whine Li :, N9.'t Ben? = 

4d * PL PL 4d *:  whine whine,  Gong  Zhao? W< 
4d the 5 were 4d, 5 were}} Ju Nan.?: R, . It don't clothes or something and I'm just don't give a fierce to assess solder held Dong say he ; 

;The 4d / 5}} = 5 at? d: ,  mi  Juan went Rou Cen Tong community that argon to assess:
4d * 5 <  
 at 4d / 5}} the Ju Nan.?: <3 Juan, the flow around should assess 

 don't 59
4d / 5) were} 5 at the }? d: that is,   their scale Ren Jane Fu
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