Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,Ware habe ich erhalten,aber leider defekt (wackell kontakt im LED Bereich) ein meldung habe ich schon einmal gesendet,bis jetzt noch keine Reaktion fom verkeufer.Warte auf umtausch des Wares.Mfg. Waldemar Lehmann
Ladies and gentlemen, goods I have received but unfortunately broken (wackell contact area in the LED) a message I sent ever, until now still no response of fom Gerente. Waiting on the Wares.Mfg Exchange. Waldemar Lehmann
Dear Sirs, The goods I have received, but unfortunately broken (wackell contact in LED area) a message I ever sent, so far no reaction fom verkeufer.Warte on Exchange of Wares.Mfg. Waldemar Lehmann
"ladies and gentlemen, i have received goods, but unfortunately defect (wackell contact in the led area) a message i have sent until now still no response fom verkeufer. wait for exchange of the wares.mfg. waldemar lehmann