he academic year 2016/2017 online housing application is available starting in January, 2016 and we encourage you to complete the online housing application and submit payments as soon as possible. The priority due date is April 1, 2016. By completing your online housing application (electronically signed License Agreement, $50 non-refundable application fee and initial housing payment) by this date, mandatory frosh will be included with the first round of computer assignments. You may also complete your online housing application and submit payments anytime after this date and your room/apartment assignment will be made on a first-completed, first-served basis as long as space remains available. Please keep in mind that housing fills quickly and typically has a paid waiting list. We encourage you to submit an online housing application and payments well in advance and as early as possible.
As a first-time freshman am I guaranteed housing?
Although University Housing Services strives to provide housing for all incoming freshman, there is no guarantee that all first year frosh will be accommodated at the start of the academic year.
Situations which can prevent a first-time freshman from securing housing include:
Priority is given to all mandatory freshmen who graduated high school outside a 30 mile radius of SJSU who complete their online housing application (electronically signing the License Agreement, remit the $50 non-refundable application fee and initial housing payment) by the April 1, 2016 priority due date.
Waiting too long to apply for housing. We accept applications on a first completed, first served basis. We encourage all applicants to complete the online housing application process as soon as the application becomes available in January, 2016.
Filling out the online housing application, but not remitting the mandatory $50 non-refundable application fee, not electronically signing the License Agreement and/or neglecting to remit the initial housing payment. The online housing application must be completed (electronically signed License Agreement, $50 non-refundable application fee and initial housing payment) in order for the application to be considered complete. In addition, all minors under the age of 18 must submit a signed hard-copy of the License Agreement which also includes the signature of an adult guarantor.
I haven't been admitted to the university yet; may I still contract to live in the residence halls or apartments?
Once you have applied for admissions to SJSU and are assigned an SJSU ID#, you will be able to apply for on-campus housing. You are encouraged to apply for on-campus housing early; however, UHS is not able to allow you to move in until you have been admitted to the university.
What if I need to stay in my room/apartment during winter or spring break?
The Apartments remain open during both winter and spring break periods at no additional fee. The Suites, Classics, and CV2 also remain open during the spring break period at no additional fee; however, they are closed during the winter break period. If you need to stay in your Suite room, Classics residence hall, or CV2 room during the winter break period, please inquire at the UHS Housing main office. If there is space available, winter break housing may be offered. Meals are not served during either winter or spring break periods. There is an additional fee for winter break housing in the Suites, Classics or CV2 (if space is available).
I already know who I want to live with; how do I make sure that person is my roommate?
Both you and your roommate of choice must complete the online housing application and fill out the Roommate Request section. The assignment is based on both parties requesting each other and providing each other's Screen Name (the last 4 digits of your SJSU ID# followed by your full first name. There are no spaces and the name is not case sensitive); along with the same living options and occupancy preferences. Remember that roommate requests are honored based on space availability. Furthermore, both students' completed online housing application must be received, for the fall semester, by April 1, 2016 and, for the spring semester by October 14, 2016. Screen names are also shown on the Housing Application Portal as soon as you log in.
Do I need to sign up for utilities, or internet service?
No. Internet access and IPTV (TV over Internet) and utilities are included in your rent.
Telephone upgrades are available for an additional fee. Information and request forms are available in the UHS Housing main office.
What if I need to cancel my License Agreement contract before I move in? Can I get my money back?
You must notify University Housing Services in writing to cancel your License Agreement. If notification is received at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the fee period (the first day that the halls/apartments open), you will receive a full refund less the $100 license proce
he academic year 2016/2017 online housing application is available starting in January, 2016 and we encourage you to complete the online housing application and submit payments as soon as possible. The priority due date is April 1, 2016. By completing your online housing application (electronically signed License Agreement, $50 non-refundable application fee and initial housing payment) by this date, mandatory frosh will be included with the first round of computer assignments. You may also complete your online housing application and submit payments anytime after this date and your room/apartment assignment will be made on a first-completed, first-served basis as long as space remains available. Please keep in mind that housing fills quickly and typically has a paid waiting list. We encourage you to submit an online housing application and payments well in advance and as early as possible. As a first-time freshman am I guaranteed housing?Although University Housing Services strives to provide housing for all incoming freshman, there is no guarantee that all first year frosh will be accommodated at the start of the academic year.Situations which can prevent a first-time freshman from securing housing include:Priority is given to all mandatory freshmen who graduated high school outside a 30 mile radius of SJSU who complete their online housing application (electronically signing the License Agreement, remit the $50 non-refundable application fee and initial housing payment) by the April 1, 2016 priority due date.Waiting too long to apply for housing. We accept applications on a first completed, first served basis. We encourage all applicants to complete the online housing application process as soon as the application becomes available in January, 2016.Filling out the online housing application, but not remitting the mandatory $50 non-refundable application fee, not electronically signing the License Agreement and/or neglecting to remit the initial housing payment. The online housing application must be completed (electronically signed License Agreement, $50 non-refundable application fee and initial housing payment) in order for the application to be considered complete. In addition, all minors under the age of 18 must submit a signed hard-copy of the License Agreement which also includes the signature of an adult guarantor. I haven't been admitted to the university yet; may I still contract to live in the residence halls or apartments?Once you have applied for admissions to SJSU and are assigned an SJSU ID#, you will be able to apply for on-campus housing. You are encouraged to apply for on-campus housing early; however, UHS is not able to allow you to move in until you have been admitted to the university. What if I need to stay in my room/apartment during winter or spring break?The Apartments remain open during both winter and spring break periods at no additional fee. The Suites, Classics, and CV2 also remain open during the spring break period at no additional fee; however, they are closed during the winter break period. If you need to stay in your Suite room, Classics residence hall, or CV2 room during the winter break period, please inquire at the UHS Housing main office. If there is space available, winter break housing may be offered. Meals are not served during either winter or spring break periods. There is an additional fee for winter break housing in the Suites, Classics or CV2 (if space is available). I already know who I want to live with; how do I make sure that person is my roommate?Both you and your roommate of choice must complete the online housing application and fill out the Roommate Request section. The assignment is based on both parties requesting each other and providing each other's Screen Name (the last 4 digits of your SJSU ID# followed by your full first name. There are no spaces and the name is not case sensitive); along with the same living options and occupancy preferences. Remember that roommate requests are honored based on space availability. Furthermore, both students' completed online housing application must be received, for the fall semester, by April 1, 2016 and, for the spring semester by October 14, 2016. Screen names are also shown on the Housing Application Portal as soon as you log in. Do I need to sign up for utilities, or internet service?No. Internet access and IPTV (TV over Internet) and utilities are included in your rent.Telephone upgrades are available for an additional fee. Information and request forms are available in the UHS Housing main office. What if I need to cancel my License Agreement contract before I move in? Can I get my money back?You must notify University Housing Services in writing to cancel your License Agreement. If notification is received at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the fee period (the first day that the halls/apartments open), you will receive a full refund less the $100 license proce