Bonjour j'ai un Asus zenfone 2 et j'ai effacé les photos qui sont dans la galerie par défaut les photos du système comment je peux les réinitialiser???? merci d'avance et merci à toute l'équipe Asus
Hello I have an Asus zenfone 2 and I erased the pictures that are in the default Gallery pictures of the system how can I the reset? Thanks in advance and thanks to the team of Asus
Hello I have an Asus zenfone 2 and I deleted the photos that are in the default gallery of photos of the system how can I reset ???? thank you in advance and thank you to the Asus team
hello, i have a asus zenfone 2 and i deleted the pictures in the gallery by default the pictures of how i can reset the system. ???? - thanks, and thanks to all the team asus